How to Install Brass Anchors – Drop in Anchors inside Concrete surface? Step-by-step Guide

Brass anchor - drop in anchor, how to install brass anchors - brass drop in anchors with knurling surface, brass insert nut with knurled surface
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Brass anchors – drop in anchors are a part of fasteners used to fix bolts, screws or fixtures to a concrete surface or a brick in construction industry. The knurled surface of the brass drop in anchors provide solid grip and resist rotation  inside the hole so that the bolt or fixtures remains at a stable position. The expansion of the brass anchors occurs with the force through tightening of the bolt. Brass anchors are inexpensive and no special tooling is required to install them.

Here we are going to discuss step-by-step method to install brass drop in anchors with knurls in the concrete surface. These brass anchors are also known as brass insert nuts.

Step 1 :

As shown in the image, mark the position where you want to install the brass anchor on the concrete surface .

Brass anchor - drop in anchor, how to install brass anchors - brass drop in anchors with knurling surface, brass insert nut with knurled surface

Step 2 :

Drill a hole over the marking in the concrete surface using appropriate drive tools. The drill size should be in accordance to the outer diameter of the brass anchors with the knurling surface.

Brass anchor - drop in anchor, how to install brass anchors - brass drop in anchors with knurling surface, brass insert nut with knurled surface

Step 3 :

Clean the hole by removing the dust using air blower.

Brass anchor - drop in anchor, how to install brass anchors - brass drop in anchors with knurling surface, brass insert nut with knurled surface

Step 4 :

Place the brass anchor in such a way that the gooved part of the anchor slides inside the hole and the threaded part of the anchor remains parallel to the surface.

Brass anchor - drop in anchor, how to install brass anchors - brass drop in anchors with knurling surface, brass insert nut with knurled surface

Step 5 :

If required, you can use a hammer to slide the brass drop in anchor in the hole.

Brass anchor - drop in anchor, how to install brass anchors - brass drop in anchors with knurling surface, brass insert nut with knurled surface

Step 6 :

Now place the fixture or bolt over the brass drop in anchor and thighten it using a hand spanner or a standard tool.

Tightening of the fixture or bolt will result into expansion of the brass drop in anchor inside the hole.

The knurled surface will provide solid grip and resist rotation.

Brass anchor - drop in anchor, how to install brass anchors - brass drop in anchors with knurling surface, brass insert nut with knurled surface

If you want more information on Brass anchor – drop in anchor installation inside concrete surface, then our experts will guide you through your installation.

Also share with us your knowledge regarding Brass drop in anchor which is not mentioned above.

If you are a Consumer, looking for Brass anchor – drop in anchor then we would like to let you know that Shivraj Brass International is one of the leading brass anchor – brass drop in anchor manufacturers in India. Feel free to contact us with your requirements and specification of brass anchors and brass insert nuts.

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